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Saturday, February 27, 2010

" Phenomenon" (Kaleidoscope CD) JALEBI Music

HAPPY GAURA PURNIMA! This is a special JALEBI Music video in honor of a wonderful and most auspicious occasion! Gaura Purnima! Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Ki Jaya! Hare Krsna! Hariiiiiiiiiiiiiibol! : )

Lyrics: “My dear child, continue dancing, chanting, and performing Sankirtan in association with devotees! Furthermore, go out and preach the value of chanting Krsna-nama for by this process you will be able to deliver all fallen souls.” (CC Adi 7, Text 92)


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Unknown said...

Thank you for dropping by...BUT as a spiritualist (a devotee of Sri Krsna) who is trying to follow the path of Bhakti Yoga...I do not gamble and cannot in good faith advise anyone else to do so!

In fact, in accordance with Vedic knowledge and Vedic scripture (Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, etc)...gambling is considered to be a waste of time and money! Gambling, if you are "lucky", only provides fleeting moments of material "happiness" and the potential for both material and spiritual disaster is very present and real!

May Krsna bless you so that you can learn valuable spiritual lessons during your lifetime! I wish you all the best! Hare Krsna! : )

Shirley Marie Bradby aka MiraBai Devi Dasi (JALEBI Music lead singer)