Hare Krsna! Namaste!
JALEBI Music fans we have a big job in front of us! Another super challenge!
Our old stomping grounds BETA Records where for 78 WEEKS (from October 2006 to 21 April 2008) we were NUMBER ONE and always in the TOP EIGHT World Classification…… have decided to revamp the entire BETA Records web site!
Now there are lots of new features and when you visit the JALEBI Music web page
BUT the new web site has made another big change! JALEBI Music is now part of a new classification that is called “Universal”! Hey! I like that! BIGGER than the World Beat scene….JALEBI Music is now “Universal”! Sounds so cool and definitely transcendental! Just click the orange “POPULAR” button to see our present position on the chart!
Yes, JALEBI Music transcends! And is definitely out of this world! (smile) In fact we are aiming for the Universe! Universal appeal! Remember: click on the orange “POPULAR” button to see our position on the chart! Our hit song “Divine Love” is currenty NUMBER ONE but we need to maintain, consolidate and put some more JALEBI Music songs on the BETA 8 UNIVERSAL chart. So please keep the votes and profile visits to our web page coming in! Let’s keep JALEBI Music topping the charts no matter what they are called! Right? Right!
you will see how you can now buy individual JALEBI songs, become a member of the JALEBI Music Worldbeat Tribe, or just be a regular JALEBI Music fan, download photos, discover great music…AND even make money recommending JALEBI Music songs to other transcendental music lovers! : )

Let’s roll up our sleeves! Warm up your mouse and start clicking! Remember all you wonderful JALEBI Music fans who have already signed up at BETA Records
Let’s put JALEBI Music songs solidly on the BETA 8 Universal Chart ! Remember that currently we have one JALEBI Music song ---called “Divine Love” ---that is new at BETA Records and has climbed the charts all the way to Number One! Check it out if you have not heard it yet! Recommend it and all our JALEBI Music songs to others and make money! Ok! Is everybody ready to roll? Thank you ! Hare Krsna! Namaste, baby! : )
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please drop by regularly and click JALEBI Music songs! This is devotional service too! (smile) New fans or anyone thinking about giving us a hand please sign up and join the transcendental party! You can even make money recommending our songs! Sign in or sign up and get the details! Check it out! (smile)

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