JALEBI Music: Back to the Future – at the Top!
----76 Weeks!---- Yes! 76 Weeks and JALEBI Music is Still Topping the BETA Records World Music Chart (Please scroll down to the bottom of the chart page to the World Music classification).
Flashbacks of the last 76 weeks bring back tons of great memories ---- especially of our JALEBI Music fans and their wonderful votes and support! We can never say “thank you” enough! : )
******New JALEBI fans! There is no “vote” button on the web page! Every time you click on a song and listen it is an AUTOMATIC vote! Remember you can only vote one time for each song within a 24 hour period! Ok? Ok! Keep those votes rolling in! Vote today! Thank you!
Now here is something for all of you who are short on words but strong on action! (smile) Why not send a JALEBI Musicgram to someone special or someone who needs cheering up with some transcendental vibrations!?! JALEBI Music to the rescue!
It’s simple! Just go to this link http://www.mp3musicgrams.com Follow the instructions and then open the search menu, click on Artist Name and then write “JALEBI” in the search box......click and “Eureka”! (which is a Greek word and means “I’ve found it”!) Lots of great trendsetting genre-busting JALEBI Music songs to send as musicgrams all around the WORLD….absolutely FREE! Start sending out some JALEBI Music transcendental love……Today!
Thank you!
Hare Krsna! Namaste, baby!
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