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Sunday, March 11, 2007

JALEBI Music Flash Story: Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians (A Personal Story)

I would like to share with you a short personal story that confirms what is written in the article intitled "Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians".

Due to my karma I did not take birth in a spiritually vegetarian family but due to what I now know to be previous life experiences .....early in my childhood I did not like to eat meat. So I became a vegetarian when I was around 7 or 8 years old....of course my mother continuously tried to make me eat meat because she thought that I would become anemic. But fortunately a good military doctor (my father was a career soldier) told her that as long as I consumed plenty of milk, cereals, nuts, beans,vegetables and fruits then I would be fine! She did not exactly believe him but at least she lightened up on trying to force me to eat meat! : )

My most traumatic experience that marked me for life was when a baby chick that I had befriended on my grandmother's farm during my summer vacation became large enough to be eaten by the end of the summer. She was beheaded and killed by my grandmother......right in front of my eyes! My mother told me that I rushed towards my grandmother to try and stop her....but it was too late and when the death blow fell....I fainted! I will NEVER forget that moment!

So I have been a vegetarian ever since and although I may not be a genius I must say that I graduated Valedictorian of my high school class and was voted “Most Likely To Succeed”! They did not say at what (smile) ....but I guess success was guaranteed in some way or the other!

I went on to college after winning four scholarships...... and now I am an English teacher and translator ....as well as a singer! My health has always been excellent and most important I rediscovered my personal relationship with God about 26 years ago so I must say that my life has been successful in all the things that really matter to me ....especially as far as trying to make spiritual progress during this lifetime on this planet is concerned.

Being a God conscious vegetarian takes being a vegetarian to another…..higher level! But THAT is another ...even more interesting story! If you would like to share your thoughts and comments please do!

All comments and opinions are welcomed. Thank you! (smile)

Namaste! Hare Krsna!

Why can't ALL animals (not just our PETS!!) be treated with respect and ....compassion?

Shirley Marie Bradby (MiraBai Devi Dasi)

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